Monday, November 9, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lady Gaga

awesome performance. lady gaga is cool.

Lady Gaga MTV VMA performance

Sunday, September 20, 2009


tonight I'm at meg's apartment. flight out to new york tomorrow morning. got my sleeping bag out, don't really need a pillow. last minute check on the emails and I started to think about how many couches i've slept on. which me brought me to sleeping on Katie Berkedal's couch way back in 2003 ? this was before katie and sam ventured off to Kyushu. they were in the middle of filling out all of their paper work. they lived in this tiny apartment in an old brick building in Lacrosse Wisconsin. creeky wooden stairs. middle of the summer, no air conditioning. all we would could do was take showers to keep cool. not together mind you. I remember the bathroom. small. the apartment was shaped like an octagon. bay windows. itchy carpet. i think the couch was made of wool. didn't even really want to sit down on it. had the same sleeping bag that I have now. I remember getting really high and after everyone went to sleep i thought I was breaking out into hives. it was so hot in that apartment. staring at myself in the mirror at 2 am. is my face swollen? look right. look left. tilt my chin down. is my left check bigger than my right? i debated sleeping in the shower. after i brought myself back to reality i got the brain wonders about how I was sleeping on their couch. and how many other couches I potentially would be sleeping on and if i would ever have my own couch to sleep on. or would I always be that girl who shows up and sleeps on your couch. here I am 6 years later having these same thoughts. I guess I am that girl that shows up and sleeps on your couch. no fuss, i've got a sleeping bag.

Monday, September 7, 2009

a letter from the kitchen

Dear Kathryn,

I made miso soup today and I thought about how much fun it is to cook with you and kelly. sapporo starlets. fun kitchen chats with lots of alcamahal so let me know what you think and what's been cooking with chuuu

train of thought :

1. I got this kombu from my friend Asia. came in this weird package. covered in white stuff, assumed it was salt. do i wash that off or is the salt good ? I washed it.

2. next, 2 cups of water in the pot, added a bit more because you never know

3. cool out. stared at the pot for a little bit. walked back and forth, sat on the couch, got a glass of orange juice. I waited until clusters of little bubbles appear around the kombu. right before the water boils. then take it out. put it on that rash you noticed last night.

that is your stock. I didn't use dashi because I didn't have any.

4. at an early boil, put in the dried shataki mushrooms first. makes 'em nice and soft. dried things expand in water so I ripped 'em up into small pieces

5. do the wakamae wake up dance. really cold water, quick rinse. then break it up into small pieces, drop it into soup

NOTE*** this whole time I'm pretty concious of the temperature of the water. never getting it to a full rolling boil.

6. when the water is hot steaming and settled, add the miso.

yes i found miso in argentina.

I judge how much miso by the color of the water. this time I kept it light.

7. Last, add in the spring onions. or green onions. or are those the same thing ? I put them in last so they would keep their crunch. you know how I like my texture. Then I was done. and it was really good. i think the best one yet. a classic traditional masterpiece. eat it while it's hot though. cold miso soup is not so good. In my 2nd cup i added some brown rice. Chika told me the name for this in japanese . i forget what she said, but she said it's food for cats. I like it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

hey you you're always so back and forth

looks like SASS isn't the only one who knows what to do with a paddle. check out the almost latest from Ian Matteson

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sometimes i need a little taste of summer in the midst of my endless winter

a really pretty surfing video

Tokyo X-trail

check this out.... one of the reasons why I went to Japan. big flashy comps, indoor snowboarding, and people dressed up as giant smiley faces. Japan knows how to throw awesome events. I'm sad to see it go, but eager to see what will happen next

...end of an era

trash park lincoln, nh

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

life has this funny way of keeping you in a circle and before you know it, it's time to go back to Argentina. 12 more days....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I felt like writing something new. so I am. and I did. so there you go.